Travel Policy: These guidelines are in effect May 15, 2019.

Principle:  We want to create an environment where members of the IS department are encouraged to take advantage of the academic opportunities at our two locations in Ithaca and at Cornell Tech. To encourage such interactions, academic-focused travel by Ph.D. students and faculty between the two campuses may be financially supported whenever there is a clear business purpose.

Funding will be available for:

  1. Ph.D. student travels from one campus to another to network with prospective faculty advisors or committee members.
  2. Ph.D. student with an advisor based at the other campus traveling to meet with their advisor/group.
  3. Ph.D. student is taking one of the 5 IS core courses and would like to attend a lecture at the other campus in person.
  4. Ph.D. student is traveling where the primary purpose is in service to the field or an academic event, ie. Ph.D visit day.   

The funding available to support Ph.D. travel is limited. Reimbursement is for transportation and lodging only and is capped at $600 per trip; the limit for any one traveler is 2 trips per academic year.  Subject to these limits, all travel in the above categories will be supported as long as funding is available. If funds for a particular semester run low, support for PhD travel will be prioritized with preference to travelers who have not already been supported in that semester.

Funding is not intended for:

  1. Moving expenses
  2. Non Cornell hosted conference travel
  3. Recreation

Travel planning process

To ensure smooth and convenient travel, and to ensure funds are still available, arrangements/approval for trips should be made in advance.  Reimbursements for trips not approved in advance may be denied if funding has run low.

Process to Apply for IS Travel Funding:

  • Regardless of which campus you are leaving from, please notify Barbara Woske ([email protected]) in advance (two weeks prior to trip) about your planned trip. All arrangements will be coordinated out of Ithaca.
  • If traveling from Ithaca to Cornell Tech, secure a Faculty Host. Their signature is required on the support application form.
  • Use Adobe to complete the IS PhD Travel Support Application Form or print, collect signatures, scan and send via email to Barbara.  NOTE: An email confirmation from the DGS, Sue Fussell, is acceptable in lieu of his signature. Please be sure Barbara Woske and Olivia Howarth ([email protected]) are copied on this email.
  • Barbara/Olivia Howarth will let you know about any limitations on reimbursement for your trip.
  • Use the checklist (below) to arrange bus, lodging, and card access.
  • After travel is complete (within 30 days), please submit all travel and lodging receipts to Olivia Howarth ([email protected]). Reimbursements beyond 30 days after the trip may be denied if funding has run low in the meantime.


The travel reimbursement policy has been updated as of May 15, 2019. Please view this page for more information.

ID Card Access for each campus:

Ithaca Students Going to Tech:

  • Your Ithaca prox cards do not work at the Tech campus.
  • The faculty person you are meeting with at Tech, must arrange with the Security Office at the Tech Campus for you to have access during your time at Tech. 
  • You will need to coordinate this with the faculty person you are visiting at least 2 weeks in advance. 
  • Long period access is only granted to students who change their campus location for at least a semester or longer. In this case, your Ithaca card will be collected at Tech and you will receive a Tech Campus ID card if you are switching campuses. 

Tech Students Going to Ithaca:

  • Tech Student’s current ID cards should have been activated, to be used both in Ithaca and at Tech, when you were matriculated.
  • Notify Barbara Woske that you will be on campus via email [email protected] as soon as your travel plans are finalized.
  • In Ithaca this access allows you to gain entry to Gates Hall after hours.  You also will have access to the PhD labs, offices and experiment rooms that are located on the 2nd floor.  There are two desks reserved for visiting Tech Students in room 219 for your use while here.
  • If you arrive on campus and find your card is not working please email Olivia Howarth [email protected] to alert her your card is not working. Olivia will submit a trouble ticket to have this resolved.  Please copy Barbara Woske, Graduate Program Coordinator, [email protected] on these emails.
  • Please note card access request take 24 – 48 hours to be completed and are only dealt with on Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm.  If you arrive on a Saturday, you may not have the issue resolved until the following Monday or Tuesday.
  • In emergencies, a temporary card may be borrowed from the Main office in 236 Gates Hall, Monday to Friday from 8am – 4:30 pm.


All Ithaca Campus PhD students will receive an ID card when they begin their studies. This ID card will give you access to the following areas in Gates Hall.

  • Gates Hall building doors and elevators
  • Ground floor kitchen
  • Second floor kitchen
  • Gates G33 - CS, 1st year MS student office area
  • Gates G23 - CS/IS Combined 1st year student office area
  • All PhD suites on second floor (214, 219, 220,232, 235,237)
  • 2 Experiment rooms G17, G25
  • Reserve these rooms through Google Calendar
  • Sue Fussell's Experiment Room, G21
  • Cheng Zhang's Experiment Room, G29
    • Please email Cheng Zhang for reservation information.
  • Gates 120 PhD mailroom – Check this weekly! There is one box for all IS students in G23.
  • The following Gates Hall Conference Rooms may be reserved by contacting Barbara Woske or Olivia Howarth
  • Gates G11
  • Gates G15
  • Gates G19
  • Gates 122
  • Gates 114
  • Gates 310
  • Gates 203
  • Gates 405
  • Gates 406

Travel Checklist

  1. Reserve your transportation
  2. Arrange your lodging
  3. Arrange card access for Cornell Tech — arrange through your faculty host so that you can come and go freely with your Cornell ID
  4. For students traveling to Ithaca: please check in with Barbara, 522 Rhodes Hall or send her an email shortly after your arrival.  If you have any issues with your ID card accessing Gates, let Barbara and Olivia Howarth know immediately. For students traveling to Tech be sure to check in with your faculty host as soon as possible.  
  5. File for reimbursement within 30 days of trip by emailing your receipts to Olivia Howarth.
  6. Please note, food is paid on a per-diem basis, therefore no food receipts are needed only transportation and lodging receipts are needed.

Resources Traveling to Cornell Ithaca





Resources Traveling to Cornell Tech


  • C2C Campus Bus    
  • Greyhound    
  • Ourbus   
  • The Tram


